Short talks #7 Computer

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David has a computer. His computer is black. His computer is very fast. He often plays games on his computer. Sometimes, he listens to music on his computer. Sometimes, he does homework or assignments on his computer. David always turns off his computer before he goes to bed. David loves his computer very much. However, he does not spend much time sitting in front of the computer. Sitting in front of the computer is not good for his eyes and his back. He only spends 1 hour a day with his computer. 

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David có một chiếc máy tính. Chiếc máy tính của David màu đen. Chiếc máy tính ấy chạy rất nhanh. Anh ấy thường chơi game trên máy tính. Đôi lúc, anh ấy nghe nhạc trên máy tính. Đôi lúc, anh ấy làm bài tập trên máy tính. David luôn tắt máy tính trước khi anh ấy đi ngủ. David rất thích chiếc máy tính của mình. Tuy nhiên, anh ấy không dành nhiều thời gian ngồi trước máy tính. Ngồi lâu trước máy tính không tốt cho mắt và lưng. Anh ấy chỉ dành 1 tiếng mỗi ngày với máy tính.

#7 Computer

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Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
How is David’s computer?
It’s black and slow
It’s fast
It’s new
Question 2
What does David do on his computer?
Do homework and assignments
Sit on the computer to play games
Question 3
What does David do before going to bed?
Open his computer
Shut down his computer
Do assignments
Question 4
Sitting in front of the computer is bad for …. ?
His eyes
His ears
Eyes and mouth
Question 5
How much time does he uses computer a day?
Around 60 seconds
24 hours
Less than 2 hours
Once you are finished, click the button below. Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect. Get Results
There are 5 questions to complete.

Quote of the Day

“Life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best.”

— H. Jackson Brown Jr.