Short talks #3 Saying sorry

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Saying sorry is not easy. When you make a mistake, you should say “sorry”. My sister often makes mistakes, but she never says sorry. I think it is not good. I always say sorry after I do something wrong. I say sorry to my teacher when I am late for class. I say sorry to my mom when I forget to do housework. It is important to say sorry when you make mistakes. Sometimes, I say “sorry” when someone tells me bad news. I say “sorry” because I want to show them that I care and I feel sad about that. I hope everyone will be happy and no one will have to say “sorry”. 

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Nói lời xin lỗi thật không dễ dàng. Khi bạn mắc lỗi, bạn nên nói lời xin lỗi. Chị gái tôi thường mắc lỗi, nhưng chị ấy không bao giờ nói lời xin lỗi. Tôi nghĩ điều đó thật không tốt. Tôi luôn nói lời xin lỗi sau khi tôi làm gì đó sai. Tôi xin lỗi giáo viên khi tôi đến lớp muộn. Tôi xin lỗi mẹ khi tôi quên làm việc nhà. Nói lời xin lỗi rất quan trọng khi bạn mắc lỗi. Đôi khi, tôi nói “tôi rất tiếc” khi ai đó kể cho tôi tin xấu. Tôi nói “tôi rất tiếc” bởi tôi muốn thể hiện với họ rằng tôi quan tâm và tôi thấy buồn vì chuyện đó. Tôi hy vọng mọi người sẽ luôn vui vẻ và sẽ không ai phải nói lời “xin lỗi”.

#3 Trắc nghiệm bài nghe Saying sorry

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Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
Saying sorry is ……?
Not difficult
Not easy
Question 2
When should we say “sorry”?
When we do something wrong
When we are early for class
When we accept a mistake
Question 3
When does the speaker say sorry to his teacher?
When he forgets to do housework
When he doesn’t do homework
When he doesn’t arrive in class on time
Question 4
The speaker also says “sorry” when ….?
He wants to show his sadness
He wants to be happy
Everyone cares.
Question 5
What does the speaker hope for?
Everyone will feel sad and say sorry
People will never have to say sorry
Everybody says sorry every day
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There are 5 questions to complete.

Quote of the Day

“You can have it all. Just not all at once.”

— Oprah Winfrey