Short talks #11 Personality

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Alice is a teacher. She is very out-going and creative. She has a lot of friends. She loves making new things. She is also very hard-working. Sometimes she is impatient and she doesn’t like to wait. Her mom says she is very smart, but a little forgetful. Her brother Kevin is very different. Kevin is very shy. He doesn’t like to be in a crowd. He is very patient and calm. Kevin loves reading books about technology. Both Alice and Kevin are very caring. They care about family and people around. 

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Alice là một giáo viên. Cô ấy rất hòa đồng và sáng tạo. Cô ấy có rất nhiều bạn. Cô ấy thích làm những thứ mới. Cô ấy cũng rất chăm chỉ. Đôi lúc cô ấy thiếu kiên nhẫn và cô ấy không thích chờ đợi. Mẹ cô ấy nói rằng cô ấy rất thông minh, nhưng cũng hơi đãng trí. Em trai cô ấy là Kevin lại rất khác. Cậu ấy rất nhút nhát. Cậu ấy không thích ở nơi đông người. Cậu ấy rất kiên nhẫn và bình tĩnh. Kevin thích đọc sách về công nghệ. Cả Alice và Kevin đều rất biết quan tâm. Họ quan tâm đến gia đình và những người xung

#11 Personality

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Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
Which is TRUE about Alice?
She often goes out.
She works as a teacher
Her teacher is creative
Question 2
What does she love?
She loves a lot of friends
She loves burning new things
None of the above
Question 3
What does Alice’s mom say about her?
Alice is forgetful and smart
Alice is patient, smart, and shy
Alice is forgetful, creative and patient
Question 4
Who is Kevin?
Alice’s father
A person who dislikes to be in a crowd
An impatient person
Question 5
What is the similarity between Alice and Kevin?
They are both patient
They both love books and technology
They both care about people
Once you are finished, click the button below. Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect. Get Results
There are 5 questions to complete.

Quote of the Day

“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.”
Thay vì lo lắng về những điều bạn không thể kiểm soát, hãy dành năng lượng cho những điều bạn có thể tạo ra

— Roy T. Bennett