Bài viết nằm trong series những bài đọc về các chủ đề quen thuộc trong IELTS Speaking & Writing, nhằm mục đích cung cấp thêm cho các bạn những ý tưởng, vốn từ có thể sử dụng khi đi thi. Xem toàn bộ bài viết tại đây nhé.
Pros and cons of homeschooling
- Freedom
- Flexibility
- Individualized education
- Minimal COVID-19 restrictions
- Strong relationships
By educating at home, parents determine the structure of the child’s day. If the child struggles to wake up by 7:00 a.m., for example, there’s flexibility to start school later. And, since homeschool timing is fluid, parents can go ahead and make that kids’ dentist appointment on a Tuesday at noon.
Every child is different. Unfortunately, in a larger group setting of regular school, teachers can’t always tailor lessons to each child’s unique needs. At home, on the other hand, parents can meet the child right where they are, customizing lessons to their particular interests.
The more time parents spend with their kids, the more opportunities arise for bonding. If a parent has always wished for more hours in the day as a family, perhaps homeschooling is the boon he/she has been craving.
- A lot of work
- Less time for yourself
- Inability to work
- Too much togetherness
- Missing out on certain opportunities
- Facing judgment and bias
In addition to the domestic responsibilities of your role as mom or dad, you’re now teacher, tutor, curriculum researcher, and principal. And if you have younger children at home who aren’t school age, you may also struggle to keep them occupied while you sit down to teach older kids.
All the work of homeschooling is guaranteed to take up hours of your day. Therefore, as a homeschooling parent, you almost certainly won’t be able to work outside the home. For households that require both parents to have an income, this may be a deal-breaker.
Despite the enormous flexibility of homeschooling, in some ways, it can limit opportunities for your child. If your child wants to pursue subjects you can’t easily teach at home, you’ll have to be diligent about seeking out alternatives. The same holds true for social opportunities. As a homeschooler, it’s up to you to provide social interaction your child won’t get from school dances, assemblies, and everyday classroom partner work.
We’ll be honest: Homeschooling doesn’t necessarily have a reputation for being cool and modern. Unfortunately, plenty of biases and stereotypes exist around homeschooling and the people who choose it.